Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Did You Survive January 17?!

Yesterday was supposed to be the 'most depressing day' of the year. This information was continually mentioned on the radio and in other media outlets. I wonder why so much emphasis was placed on that!
We certainly don't need any help trying to stay upbeat with the typically cold wind chill and dicey roads we've been experiencing in the Nation's Capital!

But there is a lot to be 'up' about also. The days are getting longer. Remember when it was dark at 4 pm? No more. And yes, it's colder out lately but that means the canal is open and who doesn't like to go for a skate on the world's longest skating rink (or at least talk about living in the city with the world's longest skating rink:)? And of course there's the stop for the traditional Beaver Tail and then perhaps a hot toddy at a local establishment.

We can also look at January as a catch up month. A time to get around to some projects that we've been ignoring no matter how loudly they call our name. Sorting photos on the computer, finally getting your music synced on your music machine, cleaning out the shoe bin, going through the mitts, making a bunch of yummy casseroles for those busy nights...boy, it's a good thing we have January or how would we tackle all these projects?!!

Drop me a line and let me know what January 'buster' projects you are working on. I would love to hear from you. Also, stay tuned and check back often as I have some exciting things happening over here in February and would love for you to be a part of it all!


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